“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”
Nutritional Therapist
A Nutritional Therapist is somebody who is appropriately qualified, is registered and has a recognised qualification in Nutritional Therapy. Nutritional therapists usually work in private practice offering bespoke health plans, using nutrition and lifestyle interventions to help support the body towards maintaining health. Applying their knowledge of nutritional science, nutritional therapists may work with healthy individuals to prevent disease, or they may work with a sick individual to minimise symptoms of a developed disease and uncover contributing factors.
Nutritional therapists have a multifaceted approach and recognise that every person is unique and, therefore, has an individual set of dietary requirements. It is a nutritional therapist's job to establish what improvements or changes an individual can make to their diet and lifestyle to improve their overall health and well-being.
Nutritional therapy is recognised as complementary medicine, appropriate for both those with chronic conditions and those looking to prevent future illness.
Why choose Nutritional Therapy?
Life today is very different from the last generation. All the pressures of modern life, are largely a by-product of the digital age and has meant that our 24/7 connected culture is blurring the line between life and work; promoting multitasking and never turning “off”. As a result, we often find ourselves eating on the run. The speed at which we live can sadly cause the quality of food we consume to become less important. Unfortunately, this puts a strain on the body and in the long run may give rise to medical conditions.
Instead of nourishing our bodies with food, we are now so often not giving the body the building blocks needed to maintain health and vitality.
Nutritional therapy uses food and supplements to give the body the nutrients it needs to thrive, while investigating the foods that may be causing adverse effects.
It is important for me to reiterate that following a nutritional therapy programme does not mean you have to cut out all the foods you enjoy! It’s about making simple, practical changes that become a way of life; to put you back in control and give you a natural balanced focus.
I will work with you to build a realistic programme that will help you reach your health goals. The approach is personal and tailored to your specific needs and adjusts to your lifestyle and environment.
As a nutritional therapist I work alongside other healthcare providers, such as GPs, and may occasionally need to refer you, with your consent, to such medical professionals. Nutritional therapy is not a replacement for medical advice.